Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chalkboard Paint

I love chalkboard paint. Plain and simple. There is something magical about how many uses come from paint that dries and is writable. My brand of choice is Rustoleum. You have the option of green or black. I prefer the black. Although, I'm sure green would be quite fabulous too! Don't even get me started on dry erase paint and magnetic paint - I haven't purchased those yet but I imagine when I do, I won't turn back!

Here are a few crafts I've completed with chalkboard paint...

These glasses were awesome. We used these at the Christmas party I had with my friends from school. I found some cheap, mismatched martini glasses at TJMaxx and after I dipped them in chalkboard paint the girls and their men were able to write their name on the glasses so no one messed up their drinks for the night! Super fun!
[the setup for this craft was horrid and George was appalled, but it all worked out in the end - as it usually does!]

I was also able to turn in an old (rarely used) white Ikea end table into a fun chalkboard table. I will probably use this in my classroom or a future baby Thompson bedroom/playroom. As for now it sits in the basement collecting craft paraphernalia.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Upcycling Old Bangles

I found a cute idea on Pinterest. Someone had taken some old bangle bracelets and wrapped them in old ripped up t-shirts and scrap fabric. I thought what a cute way to upcycle some bracelets and get rid of my ever-growing fabric pile!

So, of course before bed last night I decided to make one to see how easy it was. Turns out, it was super easy. No glue required, no mess, just scissors, fabric and old bangles!

Accesories Organizer

This project required a lesson on the use of some power tools :) I was able to use the circular saw and power drill. After the initial shock wore off I was all for the use of some good machinery to get any job done! ha.

I was excited when I picked up some cute knobs from Goodwill and finished off the collection with some random ones from Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby has a wall-0-knobs and they are usually on sale (SCORE!)

I am totally into the red and robin's egg blue color scheme for whatever reason. It is no where to be seen in my house so I'm afraid this little number will have to hide in my closet but it was fun to make nonetheless :) After I drilled the holes I did add a bit of E6000 glue in the holes so the knob would stay secure and George (Deren, my husband, I refer to him as George a lot) will have to shave off the back of the knobs with his dremmel because they do stick out farther than the wood does. Hopefully when you get your supplies you pick up a thick enough piece of wood that this doesn't happen to you. I just tend to use the supplies I have lying around my house so I make do!

Finish product....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

baby girl clothes!

One of my very best friends from college found out last week that she is having a GIRL! She is due in June so I have a few more months to get in as much time to make those adorable baby girl clothes and accessories as I can. Since George and I aren't going to have kids for a few more, ahem, years or so she has given me the outlet for my crazy craft craze :) Thanks, Meg!

When she found out she was having a girl I was so super excited. She has the sweetest baby girl name picked out - yeah, we discuss this stuff WAY ahead of time. I'm not obliged to say, even though I'm quite certain she's told the whole world years before this little girl was even a glimmer in her eye ;)

So here is the first piece I made for her before they even knew it was a girl....
I tried my hand at appliqueing on the side of the onesie - it was a little tricky with the thick seam but it turned out super cute!

Once they found out they were having a girl I decided I needed to make one of those necklace onesies I've been seeing all over pinterest. I decided I needed to go with a green theme because this little lady is going to be quite the irish girl :)

I needed to buy some black, circular, foam brushes to make the perfect circles, some embellishments and of course acryllic paint. You could use fabric paint but it's more expensive and acryllic paint adheres to fabric just as well as fabric paint. This green bottle was $.59 at Micheals! Make sure to put some newspaper or gift wrap inside the onesie while you paint otherwise the fabric will stick to itself when the paint is drying!

It turned out super cute!

Of course just in case she had a boy,
I had to be prepared with a cool little guy outfit too ;)

Meet Penny.

We adopted her from the Liberty Animal Shelter yesterday. The animal control officer told us she is a boxer shar pei mix but I'm not 100% convinced that there isn't some lab in her. They don't know her whole story but they think she is about 8-10 weeks old. She's full of spunk and a little firecracker. We are so excited to have her home with us on Tuesday!
Toys, food, and a tag (among other things) are already waiting for her :)