Sunday, February 5, 2012

baby girl clothes!

One of my very best friends from college found out last week that she is having a GIRL! She is due in June so I have a few more months to get in as much time to make those adorable baby girl clothes and accessories as I can. Since George and I aren't going to have kids for a few more, ahem, years or so she has given me the outlet for my crazy craft craze :) Thanks, Meg!

When she found out she was having a girl I was so super excited. She has the sweetest baby girl name picked out - yeah, we discuss this stuff WAY ahead of time. I'm not obliged to say, even though I'm quite certain she's told the whole world years before this little girl was even a glimmer in her eye ;)

So here is the first piece I made for her before they even knew it was a girl....
I tried my hand at appliqueing on the side of the onesie - it was a little tricky with the thick seam but it turned out super cute!

Once they found out they were having a girl I decided I needed to make one of those necklace onesies I've been seeing all over pinterest. I decided I needed to go with a green theme because this little lady is going to be quite the irish girl :)

I needed to buy some black, circular, foam brushes to make the perfect circles, some embellishments and of course acryllic paint. You could use fabric paint but it's more expensive and acryllic paint adheres to fabric just as well as fabric paint. This green bottle was $.59 at Micheals! Make sure to put some newspaper or gift wrap inside the onesie while you paint otherwise the fabric will stick to itself when the paint is drying!

It turned out super cute!

Of course just in case she had a boy,
I had to be prepared with a cool little guy outfit too ;)


Monica said...

That necklace onesie is sooooo cute! I hope my future baby girl gets one ;)

Amy said...

Of course!! :)