Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chalkboard Paint

I love chalkboard paint. Plain and simple. There is something magical about how many uses come from paint that dries and is writable. My brand of choice is Rustoleum. You have the option of green or black. I prefer the black. Although, I'm sure green would be quite fabulous too! Don't even get me started on dry erase paint and magnetic paint - I haven't purchased those yet but I imagine when I do, I won't turn back!

Here are a few crafts I've completed with chalkboard paint...

These glasses were awesome. We used these at the Christmas party I had with my friends from school. I found some cheap, mismatched martini glasses at TJMaxx and after I dipped them in chalkboard paint the girls and their men were able to write their name on the glasses so no one messed up their drinks for the night! Super fun!
[the setup for this craft was horrid and George was appalled, but it all worked out in the end - as it usually does!]

I was also able to turn in an old (rarely used) white Ikea end table into a fun chalkboard table. I will probably use this in my classroom or a future baby Thompson bedroom/playroom. As for now it sits in the basement collecting craft paraphernalia.