Friday, June 5, 2009

[retail] Therapy

I was enjoying my 3 - 5 lineup of Dr. Phil and Oprah when my doorbell rang. It was the UPS man delivering a belated wedding gift from my 'Auntie' Candy. Candy and my mom grew up together and are practically sisters. She gave us some awesome stuff from pampered chef and then at the bottom was a bag full of clothes. See, Candy works for her own clothing line so all the shirts that...'don't make it' usually got sent to my mom and me. I haven't had free clothes from her in a long time! It was SO RAD to get to that plastic bag at the bottom!!! Usually it's about 50/50 with the clothes she sends but today I fit into and could use at least 6 of the 8 shirts. SO PUMPED!! Too bad I went to target today too and bought new clothes. Oh well...with the way my summer is turning out (down a job, down a class and down a dog) I deserve some [free] retail therapy!!

So pumped for the weekend. We're heading to First Friday in Kansas City possibly with our friend, Alex. First Friday is when artists and business owners showcase local artists' work. It should be a cool Friday night. I'm sure we'll spend a lot of the weekend at the pool too :)