Wednesday, June 3, 2009

back to square 1

We have been getting back into the swing of things in KC - back to work, school, drivers that don't use turn signals, etc. Unfortunately when I went into work today at the daycare I was informed it's just too slow right now for them and I've been put on 'sub' status. AKA I don't have a part-time job there anymore. So I came home and sulked for a few hours then hit the job boards online. I hate being back at this point! Resumes, interviews, blah blah. I just want to be finished with school and in a full time career. Maybe things will turn around sooner than later and they'll want me back?! HA. Stupid economy.

Other than that bump in the road life is good and busy (minus a job). Three classes and a part time job isn't too shabby. Maybe I can just catch up on some pool and summer reading time! Oh yeah, and doing things around the house like laundry, cooking an cleaning. PSYCH! I'm so not that girl. Too bad for Deren but I think he knew that going into it!

Welp, happy hump day and for all of you who have a full time job - :-P