Friday, June 19, 2009

cha cha cha changes

Big things are happening in our life! Just kidding. Not so big. But changes and I for a person who doesn't handle change well I think I'm doing okay!

This summer Abbey Trimble moved to KC before she heads off to vet school in August. Her parents are originally from here and just recently moved back. Conclusion: I have friends again! We decided we needed to pick up a hobby or something. Naturally swimming it was. We try to get in an hour of swimming 3 - 4 mornings a week. I've become obsessed and the days when Abbey had to work at 6 am and we couldn't swim were torture for me. Luckily she just got a new job and we'll probably have more free mornings before she and I both have to get into work. Oh yeah, and I also signed up for a kickboxing class on Monday and Wednesday nights. Should be interesting! ha.

There is big news in my family and I wasn't the last to hear. In order to keep this a secret for the time being (which is so so hard for me) I'm not going to mention anymore.* If you must know please inquire within.

*Okay, I hate when people do crap like that, I'm sorry. I just needed some blogging material!

My brother's annual golf outing is coming up - I just recently got the email reminder to RSVP. Third Annual EVS Memorial Golf Outing - September 5, 2009. Click Here for the website! My brother was a fantastic man and it is always fun to get together with everyone who knew and loved Eric each year. Never fails to be a fabulous time!! Invitation is open to all :)

Lastly, Deren and I are headed to West Point for Father's day this weekend. God forbid we stay put for a weekend! I hope everyone has a wonderful father's day weekend. GO DADS!!