Father's day weekend was a lot of fun! We ended up missing out on the family BBQ on Sunday because the plans weren't 100% so we only got to visit with Deren's grandparents and Uncle. We got to go for our first bike ride of the summer though (I know it took us a long time!) around Crapo Park. Crapo is pronouned Cray-Po....haha Crapo. We were able to have a bonfire and BBQ and then on Sunday before we left we hit up an art fair in a local town near by and Deb (Deren's mom) ran into EVERYONE from her past so I was able to get caught up with Deren's 2nd grade teacher. So weird!
On a whim I decided to make a scrapbook. And by whim I mean annoyance that all of our wedding odds and ends are just sitting around the house. So I'm making one about our engagement, wedding and honeymoon. Knowing me, I probably won't finish it but here's hoping. Maybe Meghan can bring her scrapbook suitcase to the rescue and finish it for me! Meghan?
Speaking of Meghan we got it in our heads that we're going camping for the fourth of July. Our procastination personalities put us a week and half for planning. We're going to try to hit up Saylorville/Big Creek and see if we can get a campsite or two. If you want to try this oh so not set in stone camping trip let me know! Should be a good time :)
On a sadder note, my dad called on Monday and said they made an appointment to put my dog, Charlie, to sleep. It was last night at 7:30. Poor puppy...I feel bad for my dad too, he lost his walking buddy and napping buddy! I wish my parents would get another dog but they do not want another dog in their house and plus, no dog can replace Chuck! RIP buddy!