Friday, August 28, 2009

Life is Good.

Although I live to far from my family and friends and Missouri drivers REFUSE to use their turn signals when they change lanes/pull out in front of you, I must is good.

Kansas City always has something going on, we have great friends down here and during the summertime, the pool cures all. School is underway again and this semester I'm officially in 'the first professional semester.' This means I'll be in a classroom observing and teaching already! I was assigned to Turner Elementary in KCK to a 4th grade classroom and I couldn't be more excited. I love working with kids, I love being around kids, and I love making a difference. It sound cheesy but I really feel this is what I was meant to do.

Deren has his annual review next week so cross your fingers that good news is coming his way :) He's great at what he does and still enjoys his job. What more could a guy ask for??

We're headed to Minnesota/Wisconsin for labor day weekend. We'll spend a few nights in Woodbury and the other part of the weekend will be in Madison, WI for my brother's annual memorial golf tournament. I'm excited this year because Meghan is coming back and she's going to GOLF with us!! Don't worry, I'll take pics. This might be one for the record books.

Lastly, if you all have recommendations for good children's books for about 4th - 6th grade please send me a message or leave a comment. Whether they're classics or new books I haven't even heard of yet. I want to hear what you all have to say!