Sunday, November 9, 2008

Life is good.

Des Moines has stolen Deren away from me for the week - while he's in Iowa doing some training sessions for work I'm here in KC holding down the fort. Luckily I've just picked up a second job at a pre-school so my days won't be filled with TLC and Maury (although I do love day time TV).

We have been so lucky to have two weekends in a row filled with friends' visits. This past weekend Mike, Damion and Adam made the trek. We were able to show them P&L and the plaza. We were down in the plaza just in time to swing into a sports bar to watch the Hawkeyes beat #3 Penn State! WOOO! Even in Missouri we were surrounded by a few Iowa fans. It's so nice to run into 'familiar' faces. Like always the weekend flew by.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I'm so excited to make the trips to Iowa and MN to be with family and friends. We were lucky enough to make a lot of wedding appointments over the holidays. So, wedding planning will be in full swing in t-minus three weeks. Wedding planning is fun, but I think I speak for Deren when I say how happy I am that weddings only happen once in a lifetime :) We're so thrilled to have all of our closest friends and family in one place at one time. We're also so lucky to have been giving (and continuing getting) such wonderful advice from the already married folks.