Saturday, April 7, 2012


I had a minor melt down during craft time today.

First off, I get SUPER anxious while cutting fabric. It gives me a headache, I can't think (or remember) fast enough to recall how I need to fold the fabrics in order to cut them to proper proportions. I'm good at math but when math requires cutting and chopping - it gives me terrible heartburn (sarcasm).

That being said, today while making a blanket, I TOTALLY cut the fabric in the wrong directions. There were choice words. George and the dog went upstairs. The house was still. I tried to figure out Plan B (clearly Plan C would have been to go purchase more fabric, but I'd probably cut that wrong too!)

So, a project that was suppose to be 36" ended up being two 18"ers. No big deal. I just appreciate the friends and family who graciously accept the homemade crafts and gifts I produce while I'm still learning and still [unfortunately] making mistakes.