I have to take some to write about the area of the house my husband and I enjoy quite a bit. It's {what I've lovingly dubbed} the Co-Ed Cave. The poor man has his man cave corner staring out over at my craft explosion area. Fortunately, we co-habitat well together.*
*Unless one his projects involves sanding...that noise drives me up the wall.
*Unless one his projects involves sanding...that noise drives me up the wall.
This space in our house is our place that displays our hobbies, our livelihood. We have been living from apartment to townhome and worked hard to purchase our first house together. This area is proof, in a day in age where most people in our generation are gifted their 'fortunes', we learned together what it means to live in a brand new state where our moms and dads are not a 10 minute drive away. We learned what it means to be able to start paying back a student loan debt of $100,000 because we have jobs! We learned what it means to decorate our house with things we enjoy whether those pieces are from target, kohls, ikea, or the thrift shop down the road - eclectic is my middle name. We learned what it means to answer questions for ourselves. We learned what it means to worry about finances but realize it's all okay in the end - things can only go up from here - and they have :)

Life is not always rainbows and butterflies but we get by. We laugh, we have fun, we spend some money, we freak out because we spent too much money, then we save a bit of money, we laugh some more, and life keeps on moving!
And when life just gets to be too much to handle and I wish I had the luxury of spending the evening at my parent's house like so many of my friends do, I retreat to the co-ed cave -
it's just a lot safer there.

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