Monday, November 21, 2011


I think it's time for a change. I've had several friends tell me I should blog about my new found hobby but I'm not exactly sure what that hobby is. Crafts? DIY? Embroidery? So I think after a year of blogging hiatus and with a new year just around the corner I will blog about about my foray into, what I promised I would never become, a crafter!

So, I thought to myself, what the heck do I name this new blog?! The more creative I try to be the lamer the names become**. SO - blog name suggestions are welcome. FYI: blog names in the running thus far...
1. Amy's Attic
2. Craftastic

Several of my projects are inspiration from other crafties out there, other websites, blogs, and most of all - my mother. I told myself long ago I would never turn into my mom. But, much to demise (or not so much at all actually) I have become Betty. So, needless to say, I will give credit when credit is due!! So ... here is to a new blog (and probably blurbs of whats happen at the Thompson crib) and a bit of a facelift :)

**see what I mean?