On Sunday, May 16th we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary. I'm in awe that a year has come and gone so quickly. It kind of caught us off guard. We didn't really make big plans to celebrate - we're just going out to dinner downtown and we purchased patio furniture for our new place. We're spending Saturday doing the Crawl for Cancer pub crawl with some friends and that's that! Nevertheless, here we are!

In our first year as a married couple we've settled into a new city, moved into a new house and we're starting to call it home. We've made some great friendships and some lifelong friendships fizzled away. People and things change I suppose. At this point in my life I don't want to surround myself with people that don't make me happy or don't reciprocate a friendship. The friends I've met here in Kansas City are fabulous and they have made moving to a new city such a delight. However, I miss terribly my friends from home and Iowa. The friendships I keep are ones of support and respect and I love you all with all of my heart!

As for my hunky husband of one year - I love you George and I'm so excited to be celebrating our first anniversary with you in Kansas City, MO (even though no one uses their turn signals and they ticketed me with a red light camera.)
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