Friday, December 18, 2009

Who we're meant to be....

We received the greatest Christmas card from my parents today...

Do the things
that make your hearts happy
because it's Christmas
and because you're both
very special and loved.

I love that Deren and I drum to our own beat and don't try to be people that we're not. We're following the path that was laid for us and we don't stress to make a life that is not meant to be ours.

This Christmas and New Year we'll be doing the things that make our hearts happy because that is the kind of people we are. I love our life.


Anonymous said...

I really like that Amy =) Brent and I hope you and Deren have a very Merry Christmas. <3

Bitter Party of 1 said...

I think this is wonderfully simple, awesome, and true. I think there are quite a few people out there that need to stop trying to be someone they're not. Thanks for being you! ;)