Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

It's my school's spring break so I'm enjoying just working half days and having no class this week. I still have a lot to do, so it's not really much of a 'break.'

The Bach Party was a success! All my favorite people in one spot at one time (give or take a few people) and it couldn't have been more fun. We went to the melting pot for dinner and then out to the P&L for bar time :) Here are some pictures because words can't describe the craziness and shambled weekend we had!Deren's Bach Party is next weekend - a bunch of his friends are coming to KC for it as well. So I'll update this with pictures from his (if I'm allowed, haha)

Between the half days of work and having school off I'm trying to find the time to run outside especially with the weather being nice. I was feeling nostalgic about a few summers ago when my friend Sarah and I used to run together and we did a 5K together. I would love to get myself motivated alone to run a few more 5Ks but I'm lacking the motivation only found in a running partner. BOOOO. Until then, I'm trying my best!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two Months to Go!

The wedding is coming up SO QUICKLY! We have so much accomplished but I feel like there is still a lot to do! We have been on the go with road trips back and forth for showers and planning. There is only more to come...We are SO lucky to have such gracious and awesome friends. Our friends are all coming to Kansas City for our Bachelorette and Bachelor party weekends. We are so lucky.

MN Shower - Check!
Bachelorette Party - THIS WEEKEND!
Deren's Bach Party - Next weekend!
IA Shower - April 4
Wedding - May 16, 2009 :)

My spring break is next week and I'm looking forward to having the time off of school to get things accomplished for the wedding ceremony. I suppose I should get some school work finished up too. I'm so glad to be back in school because the break from the stress of it all is SO WONDERFUL!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

aaaand we're back!

Oh my it's been so long since my last post. I'm not good at keeping up on any form of communication so I don't know what I was thinking when I started a Blog! ha!

I'll start the updates from the most recent and work backwards because that's how I work...backwards.

Deren's been in Sacramento, CA for a business trip for the past week and he comes home tomorrow night so I'm looking forward to that. But in all honesty, a few days to myself was nice. I only had a few days to myself because my mom came back to Kansas City with me after the wedding shower weekend. It was a lot of fun spending those days with her. She is full of energy for a 60 year old lady, I had a hard time keeping up somedays! :)

We had our first wedding shower in MN last weekend. It was so wonderful to have so many people that I love in the same room at one time, I can't imagine how I'll feel on the wedding day. Everyone was so gracious with the gifts, I felt so awkward and selfish opening gifts at a shower, but I guess that's what everyone does?! To anyone who's reading this who was at the shower - Thank You again!! :)

My mom and I were able to address all the wedding invites except for six so that is a HUGE weight off our shoulders. We'll be sending those out probably around the end of March right after the Bachelorette Party. One of my Maids of Honor has been planning the Bach Party with help from the other MOH and bridesmaids and friends and I'm so excited to see all my friends again. It has been a long time since I've seen some of them, especially some from college. There is so much to look forward to in the next few weekends.

I also found out this week that I passed the CBASE test which means I'll be admitted into the Teacher Education Professional Program at my school this Fall so I'll be right on track to graduate in the spring of 2011 :)

Deren and I are dog sitting our good friends' dog, Trapper, this weekend. He's a Golden Retriever. This will be good practice for us and it will help us decide if we should get a dog while living in this apartment. WISH US LUCK :)