Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Learning Disabilities in a nutshell...

I'm in a class called "Teaching the Exceptional Child" and it's been so interesting. The only downside is it meets four weekends on Friday night and all day Saturday. The book we have for that class (Exceptional Individuals in Focus) has stories from teachers who teach special ed and this one story I couldn't help but share - it's too cute!

Eddie could count and add. If you showed him 3 dots plus 5 dots, he would say 8. However, when presented with any numeral, he experienced difficulty identifying it. After one year I was exhausted and frustrated with the entire process of teaching him the identification of numbers. As he arrived for the first day of school for the second year he dropped by resource room and asked, "Am I going to learn names of my numbers this year?"
I responded, "I sure hope so."
He quickly replied, "Don't worry about it, there's always another year."


Megan said...

Amy- It is so fun to read your updates! It is inspirational to see someone else who is so excited to become a teacher! Classes are hard work, no?!
I am in a Special Ed class too and I think my book is pretty similar to yours. I hope all is well in KC! Miss you here in Ames!!!
(Back to studying for my SPED mid-term :-)