Monday, August 18, 2008

kansas city. here we are.

It's official... 8750 N. Kansas Ave #202 is the address for Deren and I. This weekend Dick and Betty came down to Ames and Kansas City to help finish moving the rest of my stuff into our apartment. It was so nice to see my parents - I felt bad they had the 6 hour drive ahead of them on Sunday. I have a feeling we'll be making that drive quite a few times :)

Today I got my Missouri driver's license so it is definitely official - Kansas City, here we are. I've been (trying to) keep busy by job searching, running errands and inspecting the pool (aka laying out and reading a good book). I'm in the midst of yet ANOTHER job search and like most things in life I'm not very patient. I'm crossing my fingers that a good full time job will come my way to keep me busy until I start school in January.

**Puppy update. Unfortunately Deren's dad and my dad talked Deren into NOT getting a puppy anytime being the good fiancee that I am, I'm trying to understand that our life really is accommodating for a dog right now. Hang tight though - we WILL get a dog :)

Here are some pictures of our apartment...