Tuesday, March 2, 2010

NEVER argue with an idiot

This post is going to be a rant... so read at your discretion.

As most of you may I recently picked up two more part time jobs bringing my job total up to three. One of my places of part time employment is a shoe warehouse (I shy from stating the name in fear that the internet gods will trace my blog and fire me, and, well, we need the paycheck). That being said...WHAT IS IT ABOUT RETAIL MANAGERS?

There is one in particular. We'll call him.....Anthony. Anthony is a jerk. There is no way around it. Unnnnfortunately, he will be spending the better years of his life working at a shoe warehouse. While he's there he will reak havoc on unsuspecting part time staff (mostly high school girls) who don't know better. Not me, Anthony, not me. I've been around the block with jobs, you could probably say I'm a jack of all trades. I worked at a retail department store back in high school and I know how they operate. The only knowledge they posess is how to keep their displays straight and their merchandise alligned.*

When Anthony asked us how far we were with our closing duties last Sunday night a poor senior in high school girl responded, "Done." Ooooh, Allyson, you silly girl. Anthony immediately piped up, "We're never done. Did we mop downstairs? Did we dust the fans? Dust the registers? Did we vaccuum the break room?" REALLY? Amidst the chaos, Allyson burst into tears. I saw a flashback in my department store days in high school. There I was! 17 years old and I was crying in a shoe warehouse in Allyson's body. Anthony told us to clean up aisle "C" (whatever that means?! ha). So I took Allyson and we cleaned aisle C together. I told her 'Anthony clearly is mad that he will be working at the shoe warehouse for the rest of his life. Don't worry, you're better than him.'

When Allyson was at ease and aisle C looked, well, the same Anthony came to talk to us...."Here's a little hint for when you close with me. I WILL check your section to make sure it's right. If it's not, we WILL stay here longer than we have to. Don't tell me somethings done when it's not done. I don't want to be a jerk but I have no problem being a jerk if I need to be." (does that even make sense?) When he was finished I turned around and whispered under my breath, "oh wow" to which Anthony replied, "what was that Amy?" to which I replied, "oh nothing, I just had to sneeze." He kept us until 7pm that night. We were suppose to get off work at 6.

Dear Anthony, maybe you didn't realize you are talking to? I have a bachelors degree and I'm in school for a second one. What do you have? Oh, that's right. A shoe horn.

Moral of the story:
"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

*if you are a retail manager, I don't mean to offend. Please note that if you treat your part time staff like this, we are aware. and, well, we hate it.