Saturday, May 23, 2009

just married

Well... we made it! the wedding was wonderful our honeymoon was awesome and our family and friends were so gracious with their words of wisdom, support and gifts. We are pretty lucky peeps.

We've both really enjoyed out time in MN but we are looking forward to getting back to KC just because that is our home! it's nice coming home to see my parents and friends but after a while I start feeling like too much of a guest in my own home and city. When I start getting that feeling I know it's time to go...and, well, i got that feeling right when we got home from our honeymoon! Plus, when we get back to KC puppy search 2009 is ON! :) :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

5 days...

Deren and I made it to Minnesota. We got in on Friday night and have been running around since we got in!

We were able to stop out in Minneapolis to see Abbey and everyone for her birthday. We went out to bootleggers. On the way to bar we were lucky enough to run into a bunch of good 'ol Minnesota prostitutes. What a welcome wagon! haha. NASTY!

Saturday was crazy too but not really intentionally (ha). I had to get my last dress fitting done and after that my mom and I ran a bunch of errands. You know, odds and ends that needed to be picked up yet. When we got home my mom was working on the programs and Deren and I set out to get our mother's day cards/gifts. Little did we know Meghan's car was going to die three times. Luckily we were out and about and WITH a set of jumper cables. Turns out NO ONE in Woodbury was nice enough to help Meghan and her broken down car in the parking lot of a shopping center. Typical Woodbury, makes me so angry. We finally got her car to Sam's club where to had to get a whole new battery. Weird!! Deren and I spent the afternoon hanging out in the Sam's club parking lot which was totally relaxing.

We had to finish up the placecards and programs still but a nap became more important and before I knew it the day was done! For Mother's day we gofled nine holes at Eagle Valley and went out to brunch at Sunsets and watched Eagle Eye with my parents. It was a relaxing Sunday. Now, today, the fun begins....

Pick up Dress
Buy gifts
Meet with Pastor
Hair consultation
Buy wine
Finish placecards
Finish programs
Pick up tuxes
Steam Dress/Pick up dress (again)
Drop 'stuff' off at the Science Museum

....I have a crazy list going on paper so I know when and where I need to be places. Without that - I would be TOTALLY lost.

Here's to five days!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Deren has alleriges. BADLY.

I love the man so much I'm learning to deal with his constant sneizures and blowing of the nose. I think the poor man is allergic to allergy medicine for cripe sake!!! We discovered he may be allergic to dogs this past fall but we're set on getting a dog this summer or fall - we even shook on a name so stay tuned. I'll give him credit though, he sure does his best to tough out every situation - dogsitting, farmer's markets, flower shops, etc... maybe he's just allergic to me?!? :)

I felt the need to post this because everyone needs to know what I'm marrying into and whoever hangs out with us enough needs to know what may be visiting their house or apartment! haha.