Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why I'm Going to be a Teacher...

My Favorite of all time...

What Teachers Make

Taylor Mali is my new inspiration! Here are some other great clips... ENJOY!

The The Impotence of Proofreading

On Girls Lending Pens

Like You Know

Sunday, January 18, 2009

..::..controlled chaos..::..

2009 didn't begin slowly by any means...we were able to ring in the new year with some new friends we've made in Kansas City. Although they don't compare to the friends we have scattered over the midwest, it was still a fun evening.

Despite getting my flu shot this year I contracted the dreaded STOMACH flu from the munchkins I spend 40 hours a week with. Deren and I soon found out that the stomach flu was a true test of a loving relationship :)

Even though I was sick we had to make the trek to Minnesota to get a lot of wedding stuff accomplished. Deren's parents met us in Ankeny, Iowa and the four of us drove together the rest of the way. Since I wasn't feeling 100% the weekend went by unenjoyably fast - we weren't able to see any of our friends. But on the bright side we were able to show Steve and Deb around Minnesota and get quit a bit of wedding checklist knocked off. We've finalized our dinner and decor for the reception, booked The Machine Shed for the rehearsal dinner, and finished up two out of three pre-marital counseling sessions.

After the whirlwind of the a weekend was through the next week wasn't any less busy! Monday was Deren's birthday and my first day of classes. We spent Deren's birthday going out dinner at his restaurant of choice (Red Lob) and going to our regular Monday night trivia with our trivia team, Hot Carl. haha.

The first week of class was wonderful. UMKC is ALOT different that Iowa State - the students are different, the class schedule is different, the teachers are different and of course the location is different. I'm lucky to have a second go at a college education. Life experiences are such a blessing and learning is one thing I'm truly beginning to appreciate more and more.

This past weekend Deren and I were able to spend in KC and we decided to discover some things that Kansas City has to offer. After we ran some errands we decided to visit the World War I memorial in Downtown KC. It was an amazing exhibit, we're lucky to have this national exhibit right here in the city we live in! We've also decided on a church in Kansas City - Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. We've been visiting as guests for a few Sundays but this morning checked the "we would like to become members of Gloria Dei." Although a small action, it was a big decision. We are excited to get to know the members more and become a bigger part of the church.

...Well, I feel like our life is chaos now between work, school, wedding planning and social lives so our blog definitely got put on the back burner. This was long overdue!